Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

The First Calculator In The World (Multi Language)

Inventor of the world's first calculator was Blaise Pascal. Math and science experts from France he has managed to create a numerical wheel calculator or the Pascaline. The tool became the forerunner of modern calculators are often used today.

Blaise Pascal was born in the City of Clemont, France, June 19, 1623. He is the son of Etienne Pascal, scientist and mathematician. As a boy, Pascal has more interest for natural science and mathematics. He never studied at school and just learning to his father and tutor. However, Pascal was able to master knowledge quickly. At age 13, he found the Pascal triangle formula. Because of that, he was included in a group discussion with some of the French mathematician great scientists such as Descartes, Fermat, and Robeval. Of associations that, he began to find ideas to make the Pascaline.The tool was created when he was 18 years old. Pascaline was created to assist the work of his father as tax collector region of Normandy. Pascaline able to perform

addition, subtraction, and division quickly. Thus, the father can quickly calculate the tax revenue. Pascal's discoveries attracted wide public attention. He was passionately explain how these tools work in the presence of French scientists. However, the government is less interested in producing tool for large and high production costs.Pascal did not immediately despair. He immediately patented his work before imitated a watchmaker. Pascal also sells equipment to the Queen of Sweden, Christina. However, it was rejected. Pascaline was later perfected a German mathematician, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716). He added the process of multiplication in the tool.

Besides Pascaline, Pascal managed to find some other important formulas. One satunnya is probability theory. The theory is obtained from the habit of throwing two dice when gambling and partying. Pascal died on August 19, 1662. The discovery that created the basis for the development of modern technology.

 Penemu kalkulator pertama di dunia adalah Blaise Pascal. Ahli matematika dan sains dari Prancis ia telah berhasil membuat kalkulator roda numerik atau Pascaline. Alat tersebut menjadi cikal bakal kalkulator modern yang sering digunakan saat ini.

 Blaise Pascal lahir di Kota Clemont, Prancis, 19 Juni 1623. Dia adalah anak Etienne Pascal, ilmuwan dan matematikawan. Sewaktu kecil, Pascal memiliki minat lebih terhadap ilmu pengetahuan alam dan matematika. Dia tak pernah mengenyam pendidikan di bangku sekolah dan hanya belajar kepada sang ayah serta guru pribadinya. Namun, Pascal mampu menguasai ilmu tersebut dengan cepat. Di usia 13 tahun, dia menemukan rumus segi tiga Pascal. Karena itu, dia pun diikutkan dalam kelompok diskusi matematikawan Prancis bersama beberapa ilmuwan besar seperti Descartes, Fermat, dan Robeval. Dari perkumpulan itulah, dia mulai menemukan ide untuk membuat Pascaline.

Alat itu diciptakan ketika usianya menginjak 18 tahun. Pascaline diciptakan untuk membantu pekerjaan sang ayah sebagai pemungut pajak wilayah Normandia. Pascaline mampu melakukan penjumlahan, pengurangan, dan pembagian secara cepat. Dengan demikian, ayahnya bisa menghitung penerimaan pajak secara cepat. Penemuan Pascal itu menarik perhatian masyarakat luas. Dia pun dengan penuh semangat menerangkan cara kerja alat tersebut di hadapan para ilmuwan Prancis. Namun, pemerintah kurang tertarik untuk memproduksi alat itu karena berukuran besar dan biaya produksinya tinggi.

Pascal tak langsung putus asa. Dia segera mematenkan karyanya itu sebelum ditiru seorang tukang jam. Pascal juga pernah menjual alat tersebut kepada Ratu Swedia, Christina. Namun, ditolak. Pascaline itu nanti disempurnakan matematikawan Jerman, Gottfred Wilhem von Leibniz (1646-1716). Dia menambahkan proses perkalian di alat tersebut.

 Selain Pascaline, Pascal berhasil menemukan beberapa rumus penting lain. Salah satunnya adalah teori probabilitas. Teori itu didapatkan dari kebiasaan melemparkan dua dadu ketika berjudi dan berpesta. Pascal meninggal pada 19 Agustus 1662. Penemuan yang diciptakannya menjadi dasar perkembangan teknologi modern.

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